Research of saproxyl species
With warmer weather, the beetles also emerged from their comfortable winter hiding places. Our researchers have re-visited the forests along the Sutla River to investigate saproxil species, those that are linked to dead and dying trees by the life cycle. Although the target species of this project are not yet active, we have found traces of their presence, such as the remains of dead individuals from the previous year. And as an added value of this project, many other significant rare and endangered species, such as Cucujus cinnaberinus, the Natura 2000 species, were recorded as this is the first finding for Croatian Zagorje!
Workshops for farmers and locals in Vrbovsko
Two workshops were held as part of the project […]
Enlargement of the home for small animals in the oxbow lake of the river Bistrica
The Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Protection […]
Calendar ‘Be in touch with nature 2021’
As part of the ‘Vezi narave’ project, ZRSVN wrote and […]
‘The daily butterflies of Risnjak’ brochure
As part of the Veze prirode project, NP Risnjak implemented […]